Niefang town is situated
70km from Bata.It is a junction between Bata-Ebebiyin or
Bata-Zvinayong.It is a town where Gold trading has an
important role to play.From Niefang one can visit mount Alèn
which is 25km and 1500metres from sea level.On this mount one
can admire many varieties of animals. .
Known before the
advent of the Pro-Franco regime as Sevilla de Niefang, Niefang
which signifies "nie limit " is the gateway to the Fang Land
that stretches over to the east of the Rio Muni.
This town, which the Rio Welle traverses, is
important because its position is strategic in relation to the
country’s main roads.
Asia and Cuong found along the Rio Welle can be
rapidly reached through Niefang to discover the Fang hinterlands.
The construction of a
leper-house in the outskirts of the town and the experiments
conducted in view of treating Leprosy, including the use of Coloncba
Welwitschi Gilg Oil, greatly contributed in reducing Leprosy in the
Leprosy is said to have
appeared in India around the VIth Century B.C. It then
spread to South-east Asia and the Middle-East, and later to Africa.
The roman legions, the Saracens and crusader are thought to have
reintroduced the disease in Europe where it wrought havoc until the
XIIth century. It is now fast disappearing in Europe,
though it remains widely spread in Asia and Africa. The germ causing
leprosy was discovered by the Norwegian Hansen in 1873.
It is found in
mount Alèn Centre-south province and pricisely in the
town of Evinayong.
Between 300 and 1200m high the Monte Alen
national parc is one of the Niefang mountainous chains found 50
km away from the Atlantic. Its dense and wet forest covers a
surface area of
The very unconventional
nature of the area adds to a series of spectacular Falls above
the Uoro and Lana rivers to give the site an exceptionally
picturesque landscape.
Monte Alen harbours
fauna and flora typical of African dense forests and has a great
variety of species, notably plants of the caesalpiniaceous
Despite its small
surface area, the park is habitat to more than 105 species of
mammals, including more than 16 types of primates: 3800 gorillas,
1600 chimpanzees, 2300 species of birds, 65 reptiles, 55
amphibians and 65 aquatic life; and more than 50 workers.
Faced with the alarming
forestry exploitation in Equatorial Guinea, and acknowledging
the role of conservation in improving the country’s forestry
heritage, the government adopted a bill
granting an extension of
600sq South wards to Monte Alen, thus linking the park to the Monte
Mira national park. Henceforth, 10% of the country’s land is
considered endangered zone.