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 Equatorial Guinean
Touristic Guide

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Equatorial Guinea is covered by 2 200 000 hectares of forest in which 400 000 are now being exploited, 500 000 already exploited and 600 000 are still avalible but unexploited the remaining 700 000 hectares is the country's reserve.

The Equato guineanne forest,habits a variety of animal species :

¨       "Pangolins" have their bodies covered with scales, they feed on termites and ants.


·         Manis Gigantea, Is the biggest and largest " Pangolin" with a relatively short tail of 1.5 metres

·        Manis Tetradactyla, is the smallest with a tail and is found in the continental region.

·       Manis Tricuspis, The biggest measures 80cm. With a very long tail.They are also found  in the continental region.

¨       Lemuries , They are primitive mammal with well developped holphative lobe.there exist many species in equatorial guinea :

·         Artocebus Calabarensis, they are about 25 and 39 cm long about the dimension of a small cat,very nice looking with a triangular face.

·         Perodictus Potto. They have the same size of a small cat, but a bit bigger that the Artocebus Calabarensis.They live on trees and rarely climb down, they live individually.

One can also find : galagos allenis,Euoticus elegantelus,galagoides demidovii,etc.


     Galapios leucophacus,papios mandrillis, cerccelus troquatu cercocepithecus mona, miopithecus nectitecus, etc.


In Equatorial Guinea we can find:Pans troglodytes,gorilla gorilla, etc.Tourist can also


visit chimpazees.From anatomy characteristics they are the most advanced primates.In particular brain development.


In Equatorial Guinea we can find carnivores : Viverra Civeta, l Ganetta Tigriana and Genetta Servivalina in the continental region and in the Bioko island, also, Poiana Ridrarsoni, Nandinia Binofata. In the Muni estuary,we can find Trichectus Sénégalais.


it's an animal with a long head and  with a small size as a pig,it weighs about 60kg .With a small strong tail.The legs are short and strong with four fingers on the front foot and five on the behind.they live in the open savannah,we can find in Bata,in Añisok, in Micomiseng, in Ebebiyin and in Kogo.  It is a less abundant animal and vere rare because it is more active at night  than at day.In 1987 a hunter from Biyabiyan hunted one.


·         The elephants or Loxodonta Cyclotis.

·         The elephants or Loxodonta Pumillo are found in Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo and Cameroon.

·         Hippopotamus amphibius is a mammal of great mass , it can weigh 2 500kg.They live in herds between 5 to 15 and at times they can form herd of 30.They are found in the continental region.

·          Hylocherus meinertzhageni.

·         Potamophoerus percus penicilatus.

·        Antilopes.

·         there exist a variety of tortoise :  Chelonia Mydas,  Cinysis Erosa, Eretmochelys Imbricana which is found in  Ureka.

·         Potamogale Velox.

·      Crodicidura and the Sylvisorex.

·      Megaloglossus Woermani,Eidolon Belvum, hipposideros Ruber Guineensis.

·          Heliosciurus, Rufobradrium, Is found everywhere in Equatorial Guinea.

·          Protoxerus Stangeri, Anomalurus Erytnotus, Anomalurus Pusillus.

·       Atherurus Africanus, Thronomys Swinderianus .

·        Crocodylus Cataphractus  and Osteolaemus tetraspis. There is an abundant of these last species in Equatorial Guinea

¨       BIRDS.
In the Equatoguineanne forest we hear alot of noise from the birds.There exist a variety of birds species in Equatorial Guinea.

·    Numida Meleagis, are found mostly  in Annobon.

·         Guttera Plumifera,So many of them in the central African region.

·        Teron Australis, are mostly found in the Bioko island more precisely at  Riaba, at Ureka and at Moka.

·       Streptopelia Semitorquata.

·       Paloma Torcaz.

·      Tórtola Tamborilera.

·    Turtur Tympamisfria

·        Siephanoectus Coronatus, Haliaetus Xocifer, Milvus Migrans and Gypohierax angolensis.



·         The owl or ciccaba woodfordi, the Tyto alba and Bubo Poensis.

·         Ceratogymna atrata.

·         Psittacus erithacus and l’Agrapomis Pullaria.

·        Woodpeckers.(*)


Extract from touristic guide. Authour: Manene Nsogo Juan

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